Step 1: Begin by standing a foot or two away from the TRX anchor; facing it; feet are shoulder width apart.
Step 2: Hold both straps together in one hand, extending the arm. The shoulder blade on the same side of the arm is retracted and depressed, engaging the upper back muscles. Shorten the straps as needed.
Step 3: Place your other hand on your hips, and keep your feet shoulder width apart.
Step 4: From this starting position, continue to engage the back muscles of the pulling arm, and pull yourself upwards towards the TRX, holding your elbow out at about 45-50 degrees.
Step 5: Slowly lower yourself back to the starting position, always keeping the back muscles engaged.
Step 6: Repeat the movement with each arm.
How to progress the exercise
Two levels of progression for this exercise are the following:
1. Executing this movement with your body in a more horizontal position; This is achieved by walking forward and leaning back at the same time (lengthening the strap will help maximise the position).
2. Placing your heels on a bench/ stability ball while in the horizontal position.
Additional Information
Tip: Increasing the resistance using TRX is a matter of levers. By lowering your torso further towards the ground, while keeping your heels on the ground, you are increasing the angle from a vertical standing position, which adds more of a gravitational pull on your body. Therefore, you have to increase your force output with your back muscles in order to create enough torque to pull yourself up and work your muscles appropriately. Therefore, there is a slew of incremental progressions in difficulty with this exercise, so be mindful of this.