Step 1: Anchor the TRX effectively, adjust the straps to long-length.
Step 2: Place your feet in the TRX straps.
Step 3: Lift your body from the floor and form a push-up position
Step 4: Keep your body stright and the core tight. The knees and hips are extended and the spine is neutrally aligned.
Step 5: Concentrate on your hips while swing your legs from side to side.
Step 6: Ensure that your core is engaged the entire time and is controlling the swinging from side to side.
Step 7: Repeat.
How to progress the exercise
This exercise can be progressed by adding a weight vest. Another possible progression is a single-legged jump squat. Creative progressions include adding a knee-to-chest while jumping, or even a pike. Using a BOSU will add a good balance challenge to this exercise.
Additional Information
Caution must be taken to avoid stress on the knees and hip joints when jumping and landing. The muscles must be properly engaged to absorb the shock of landing, and the core must be engaged to avoid a shock to the spine while landing.